Hana Soh

Artist • Author

I create fantasy art and stories that explore gender and queer expression and uplift marginalized voices. Beauty as far as the eye can see. ♡As a physically disabled, autistic, genderqueer BIPOC creator, this stuff lights me up. So that’s what I create!CommissionsWritingContact
2 slots available for Oct/Nov 2022


2 slots available for Oct/Nov 2022

OC Fantasy Character Portrait • $97

Shoulders-up portrait of your original character, plain background, full color. Human or human-like fantasy characters. You should have a solid idea what you want, and can provide references: written description, personality, mood board, etc. $97
+ Add an accessory, mobility device, jewelry, weapon, prosthetic, or detailed tattoo +17
+ Make it a bust (waist up) +35
+ Add second character +70
+ Character/costume design +70
$10 discount for BIPOC and disabled folks! Just add BIPOC or DIS to your email subject!

Notes of note:
• Non-commercial use only. Post on socials, web, enjoy, just don’t resell, print, publish, or reproduce for sale (if you want to, we can discuss a commercial license). I may post your commission on my website, portfolio and socials.
• I don’t paint gore, creepy aliens, furries, or horror of any kind, sorry!
• Please allow 60-90 days for completion, this gives me room to manage pain flares that leave me unable to paint for weeks AND you get the best result
• I will share WIP screenshots with you as I work via email. You are welcome to point out changes (eg. their skin should be darker, his expression should be more flirtatious, her chin should be stronger)
• After we discuss & references are confirmed, payment is due via Ko-Fi in full to book commission
• If I’m unable to complete your commission due to health problems or technology failures or unforeseen impediments on my part, I will refund you in full!

Hana Soh

Artist • Author



SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN meets THE UNBROKEN in this queer mythopoeic secondary-world Silk Road fantasy featuring nonbinary gods, Asian parenting, generational trauma, and a healthy dose of side-eye at capitalism and casteism.Status: Revising

Hana Soh

Artist • Author



Twitter: @Hana_Soh
Email: hana.sohbet @ gmail